About our reports & maps
The reports and maps available on this page represent several thousand hours of data collection and analytical work by McKenzie Trout Study Consortium volunteers. The depth of analysis increased throughout the four years of the study as more longitudinal data was available. Data audits were conducted in years 2 and 4 of the study. We have attempted to produce data products which are germane to the study’s original research question – “Will wild trout populations recover if hatchery trout are removed?”
We leave it up to you, the reader, to draw your own conclusions from our data.
The Consortium may make raw study data available to interested parties upon request. Please contact us for more information. For questions specific to maps and map production, contact Scott Kinney.
2013 LMWTPS Final Report
The 2013 season confirmed the results of the first three seasons. The wild trout population in the study section has nearly tripled – with an estimated 2,143 fish per mile in 2013, up from 729 fish per mile in 2010.
The 2013 report should be considered the final report of the Study, and may be cited.
Download the Lower McKenzie Wild Trout Population Study 2013 End of Season Report and Summary of Years 1-4 (Adobe PDF, 0.9mb)
We said there are no hotspots.
But it doesn’t hurt to check, right?